Thank You Payton Nerenberg and Scout Troop 703
BMW’s Songbird enclosure has seen constant use for more than 21 years and was in serious need of being refurbished. When Payton stopped by to discuss possible Eagle Scout projects, the Songbird Enclosure was at the top of the list. Weeks of planning and fund raising culminated in a work party on Saturday. Below, Payton, on the right, is supervising the deconstruction of the enclosure.
By mid-afternoon reconstruction was well underway. The troop will return Tuesday morning to complete the project.
Blue Mountain Wildlife has been the beneficiary of many scout projects. The projects provide an excellent opportunity for young men and women to practice their leadership skills and simultaneously benefit their communities. They are a win-win opportunity for all. Thank you Payton and Troop 703!
Week in Review
There were just two admissions this past week, an American Kestrel and a Great Horned Owl. The kestrel was soaked in diesel fuel. Despite multiple baths in dawn dish soap the kestrel did not survive. This is a sad reminder to clean up spills of toxic materials immediately or not leave leave toxic materials in open containers.
We do not know how the owl was injured, but both of its wings were partially amputated. It was humanely euthanized.