Lynn's Journal
April 24 - April 30
The Week In Review
Continuing Education for Tricia! Tricia traveled to Washington State University in Pullman to attend a two-day Basic Wildlife Rehabilitation Skills seminar offered by the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council. The course provides a good foundation to supplement the learning that happens every day when working at a wildlife center.
April 17 - April 23
The Week In Review
Michele reports there are 28 young Barn Owls at the Tri-cities Center. Most are large enough to eat a whole mouse so are outside in nest boxes. It must be a record year for voles. The resident male Barn Owl continues to make nightly deliveries of multiple voles to each nest box.
…April 10 - April 16
The Week In Review
The young Barn Owls that Tricia and Michele banded last week are now outside in a hack box at the Tri-Cities Center.
Many of the hack boxes are “duplexes” like the one pictured above. They are mounted on a platform that is fastened to a 12 foot pipe. …
April 3 - April 9
Banding Barn Owls
Tricia and I and visiting veterinarian Jonit Greenberger traveled to BMW’s Tri-Cities Center and banded 10 young Barn Owls. Michele then placed them in a hack (nest) box. They will be ready to fledge from the box in about month.
Since Tricia and I came from the Pendleton Center, we wore appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), so as not to inadvertently expose birds at the hack site to any infectious disease, specifically Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, HPAI, that we may have encountered at the Pendleton Center.
March 27 - April 2
The Week in Review
There were just three admissions to the Pendleton Center this past week and all occurred on Wednesday. Red-tailed Hawk 23-025 and Sharp-shinned Hawk 23-026 both had non-repairable wing fractures and were humanely euthanized.
Bald Eagle 23-024…