The Blue Mountain Wildlife team is comprised of individuals passionate about BMW’s mission, with each member having significant rehab and/or education experience, as well as experience in their respective fields. Meet the team below.

Lynn Tompkins, Executive Director
Working as a veterinary technician in the 1980s, Lynn became involved in wildlife rehabilitation. In 1990, she and her husband, Bob, founded Blue Mountain Wildlife. She earned a BS in Animal Science from Oregon State University as well as state wildlife rehab permits from Oregon and Washington, and a Federal permit from USFWS. She is also a member of national and international rehab organizations. With Bob’s passing, Lynn is the primary staff conducting BMW’s rehab and education programs.

Tricia Marquez,
Samantha Castoldi, Rehabilitator
Samantha graduated from Washington State University with a bachelor of science in zoology and a minor in wildlife. Following graduation, Samantha completed internships in wildlife rehabilitation, which sparked her interest in the field. Serving as a BMW intern led to her full-time employment. Now, Samantha performs wildlife rehabilitation duties at the clinic.
Winnie Burnett, Administrative Assistant
A part-time employee, Winnie assists wherever needed, whether outside feeding birds, cleaning & maintaining pens, helping in the clinic, or working in the office. She provides invaluable technical support maintaining BMW website, YouTube, & social media presence.
Michele Caron, Director of BMW Tri-Cities Center
Michele started and runs the Blue Mountain Wildlife Tri-Cities Center, where many Washington waterfowl and baby barn owls receive care. Michele knows more about raising baby barn owls than anyone. She has even received a phone call from England picking her brain about barn owls!
Board of Directors
BMW is guided by a Board of Directors made up of local wildlife professionals, business owners, ranchers, bird enthusiasts, educators and philanthropists committed to public education and conservation of our wildlife resources. See our full Board below.
Carl Scheeler, President
Greg Holden, Vice President
Alzada Tipton, Secretary
Kirsti Strandberg, Treasurer
Interns and Volunteers
Without its interns and volunteers, BMW wouldn’t be able to take in nearly as many animals as it does. From interns feeding baby birds from dawn to dusk, to volunteers driving near and far to bring BMW injured wildlife, BMW greatly appreciates all that they do.
Interested in working with us? Check out our volunteer and internship pages.