If you want to donate more than money to help BMW fulfill its mission, check out our wish list! Our needs change seasonally, so check back with this page again in the future.
If you are able to donate any of these items, please contact us to determine a way for you to get them to our facility. If you have anything else you believe might be of use to BMW, please contact Lynn to see if it would be helpful.
Thank you in advance for your support of Blue Mountain Wildlife!
Amazon Wish List (items can be sent directly to BMW)
Blue Mountain Wildlife Wishlist
Continual Wishes
Animal Care and Clinic
- Exam Gloves (nitrile, sizes small and medium)
- Cotton Balls
- Dawn Dish Soap
- Sponges (Scotch-Brite Non-Scratch Scrub Sponge)
- SOS Pads
- Paper Towels
- Toilet Paper
- Kitchen Garbage Bags (13 gal)
- Gauze Sponges (2x2 and 4x4)
- Puppy Pee Pads (various sizes)
- Vet Wrap/Coban Bandage Material
- Gauze Bandage Material (2 inch and 4 inch)
- Sterile Needles and Syringes
- IV Fluids (Lactated Ringers Solution or Saline)
- Micropore Tape (Skin Tape)
- HE Bleach, no splash (we’re clumsy!)
- HE Laundry Detergent
- Bath Towels (new or in good condition)
- Nolvasan (chlorhexidine disinfectant)
Office and Miscellaneous
- 20 pound and 24 pound Printer Paper (white)
- Cardstock (white)
- Postage Stamps (Forever)
- Wal-Mart Gift Cards
- 50-100ft garden hose
- Heating pads without automatic shut-off