Six More Releases
Releases outnumbered admissions this week. Two young Barn Swallows were released.
First one...

Then the second swallow flew free…

And they found new friends right away…

Four Lesser Goldfinches were also released…
Its hard to catch 9 gram (1/3 of an ounce) birds coming out of a box in focus!

Three New Admissions
An American Robin and Eurasion Collared Dove both had coracoid fractures. Below is the radiograph of the Robin. Coracoid fractures rarely heal well-enough for a bird to be releasable. Both the Robin and Dove were euthanized.

A Townsend’s Warbler was also admitted. It’s left scapula was dislocated and the right eye ruptured. It died within 24 hours of admission…

Hopefully new admissions will fare better in the coming week.