The Week in Review
Open Containers of Motor Oil are Hazardous
First the Robin flew into a window in an attempt to escape a hawk. Then it fell into an open container of motor oil. After multiple baths in diluted Dawn Dish Soap to remove most of the oil, you can see it really does have a red breast. We will let the Robin recuperate in an incubator over night, and then finish removing the oil tomorrow (Monday).
Please, never leave open containers of liquid uncovered. You never know what type of wildlife or pet will get into it. Open containers of antifreeze are also hazardous. Many animals like its sweet taste, but even a small amount can be fatal when swallowed.
Hunt Lead Free
Whitman College student Alex Muller has been volunteering at Blue Mountain Wildlife this past term. Below is a poster he created for his thesis project. Thank you for sharing your poster Alex!