Another Rough Week for Raptors
There were just seven admissions this past week, all but one a raptor. Of four Great Horned Owls, three had humerus fractures, the fourth was tangled in a fence, none could be saved. A Sharp-shinned Hawk was shot and a Red-tailed Hawk was likely struck by a vehicle. Neither could be saved. Living in a world filled with humans is no easy task for wildlife.
Great Horned Owl 21-759
Great Horned Owl 21-760
Great Horned Owl 21-761
Sharp-shinned Hawk 21-762
Red-tailed Hawk 21-764
Good Things Also Happened this Week
Thank you to Jerry Baker and Gene and Marilyn Cripe! Jerry and Gene installed metal siding on the pen that collapsed earlier this year. Marilyn pulled lots of yellow star thistle. We are also making plans to return a Bald Eagle to Ellensburg in the coming week!