#GivingTuesday Donation Matches
For #GivingTuesday, our amazing supporters Gene and Marilyn Cripe are matching your donations, up to $4000. Help us meet the match by donating to BMW on Tuesday, November 28! A huge thank you to Gene and Marilyn!!!
Additionally, Facebook, in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is also matching donations made through Facebook on #GivingTuesday. Their donation match begins at 5AM PT and continues until their $2 million runs out. To donate via Facebook, simply click the “donate” button under our cover photo on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/bluemountainwildlife/.
If you donate at 5AM on Tuesday, November 28 through Facebook, your donation can be TRIPLED! We know it’s early, but we would so appreciate the ability to triple your donation. (And recall that we’re launching our adopt-a-bird program on #GivingTuesday, too!) As always, thank you all for your generous support. What we do would not be possible without you.
The Week In Review
There were nine admissions this past week, eight raptors and one Silver-haired Bat. The bat weighed a plump 13 grams and appeared to be uninjured. He probably picked the wrong place to roost and was disturbed, ending up on the ground. We gave him some fluids and sent him on his way.
Long-eared Owl 17-647
This medium sized owl managed to tangle his wing in a power line. Pacific Power quickly sent a crew out to free him, but his left wing was damaged too badly to repair.
Two Great Horned Owls and a Sharp-shinned Hawk also had injuries too extensive to repair. The Great Horned Owl below had a humerus fracture that was totally unrelated to the air rifle pellet near her backbone. She was shot at a minimum of several months ago. The wound had completely healed. She was in excellent condition until a collision of some type (perhaps with a car or power line) resulted in her broken wing.
Northern Saw-whet Owl 17-655
The Pendleton Police Department delivered this tiny owl to BMW Saturday evening. He was found in a bike lane along a major Pendleton road. He doesn’t appear to have any broken bones, but a significant headache. Hopefully he will be releasable after a few days of supportive care.
Thank You For Your Wishes For A Speedy Recovery
Thank you to everyone who has sent wishes for a speedy recovery from knee surgery. My recovery is going well. Best wishes to everyone for a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.