Thank You Volunteers and Lost and Found Youth!!!
Burt and Tyler, with help from Winnie, mounted 2 x 4’s to the new frame erected the week before. Next is attaching the metal siding. We’d love to have your help with that project next Saturday! Work will begin at 10 a.m.
Members of Lost and Found Youth filled in part of the ditch that was dug to take water to the new education building. This week we will get an estimate for installing solar power to the new building!
Thank you also to transport volunteers who had a busy week transporting birds and rescuing stranded Ducks and Ducklings (and goslings too).
Underbrush and Trees Provide Homes for Wildlife
Admissions this week included multiple babies who’s homes were destroyed and/or mothers killed when trees were removed. Please remember this is the time of year when wildlife are having babies. If possible, wait until fall or winter to remove brush and trees. These two nestling Western Screech Owls became homeless when their nest tree was cut down.