Barn Owl Update and a Huge Thank You
The total number of young Barn Owls being raised at the Tri-Cities center has reached 402, but mouse consumption has been cut in half to 750/day as the youngsters continue to fledge. That is still a huge expense at $495/day. We are very grateful for your generous support which has allowed us to meet that expense. These owls will be a huge boon to the regional agricultural community as they disperse and provide pesticide-free rodent control. If you have not yet had an opportunity to support this effort, it is easy to make a donation!
Update on Long-eared Owl Nestlings 18-180 and 18-181
The two owlets seem to be thriving in their new family. Michele sent the following photos. The two owlets are on the right. An older step sibling is on the left.
Two more older step siblings were perched in a nearby tree.