Oh We’re Having A Heat Wave!!!!
The entire Pacific Northwest is in the middle of a heat wave. Everyone is trying to keep cool, including the birds. Normally, Great Horned Owl Sage is not one to spend much time in the water. The past couple of days (and probably the rest of the week) he thinks under a sprinkler is the perfect place to be.
Typically, this is a busy time of year. This week has been exceptionally so. To date, we have admitted 396 birds to the Pendleton center as compared to 339 birds last year. If you can help BMW care for native birds, please send a donation, via PayPal, to Blue Mountain Wildlife. Thank you for your support!
Safely Back Home
Michele climbed the tree. Kenny handed the baby Swainson’s Hawk to Michele so she could return it to the nest. And Janie documented the event. Good job all the way around!