July 4 - July 10

The Dog Days of Summer are Here

Annie is recovering from a hard morning of play...

Dog days of summer

There were six new admissions this past week, all trauma filled cases. A Great Horned Owl was electrocuted. The damage to its left wing was extensive and non-repairable. 

A Little Brown Bat was attracted to insects on a sticky trap and got stuck on the trap. We were able to remove it, but the bat died while we were trying to wash the glue off its fur. There are a variety of insect repellents available, both DEET based and DEET free, that can be safely applied to human skin, assuring there will be no unintended victims.

Hack Site Great Horned Owls

GHOW hacksite

All is going well at the Great Horned Owl hack site. The owls do not approach people, but are still taking advantage of food that is being placed on the feeding platform. Great Horned Owls typically stay with their family into the fall months while perfecting their hunting skills. Hacking provides that support system when the owl parents aren’t available.

California Scrub Jay Update

IMG 6857

The jay is full grown now, but still very happy to be fed. It won’t be long before his gaze turns from up with mouth wide open, to down searching for insects and fruit.

American Red Squirrel


This small tree squirrel has been here for a month and is just about ready to go outside. She is enjoying a grape.

Five House Finches

And, yes, they can fly, even though they are not old enough to eat on their own!


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Location: 71046 Appaloosa Lane, Pendleton, Oregon 97801
Email: lynn@bluemountainwildlife.org
Phone: 541.278.0215

2023 Blue Mountain Wildlife.  All rights reserved.