Aug 10 - Aug 16

Two Releases

A Red-tailed Hawk whose broken leg was repaired by Dr. Susan Fazzari of Animal Clinic East in Walla Walla was released on Thursday.

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Then a young Swainson’s Hawk was returned to his family.

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Swainson's release 2.jpg

Another Gunshot Hawk

A Swainson’s Hawk from the Yakima area was admitted with an injured shoulder. An x-ray taken at Pendleton Veterinary Clinic revealed that the hawk had been shot. Sadly the damage was not repairable.

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Avian Malaria

We commonly find blood parasites in birds admitted for care during the summer months because the vectors, the agents that carry and transmit the diseases, are present in high numbers. The vectors for haemoproteus are ceratopogonid flies (also called biting midges or no-see-ums) and hippoboscid flies (louse flies or keds). Mosquitoes are the vector for plasmodium. Human malaria is also caused by plasmodium, but the disease is transmitted by different species of mosquitoes.

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