April 12 - April 18

Growing Great Horned Owls


Every evening, intern Adrian feeds the two young owls at the hack site a couple of miles from the Pendleton center. The owl on the right is essentially full-grown, but still quite downy. I’m pretty sure they think Adrian looks very scary in her ghost costume. She wears it so the owls won’t associate humans with being fed. It will soon be time to remove the door from the cage the owls are in so they can fledge. We will continue providing food while they earn to fly and to hunt.

Gopher Snake Identification

Adrian & gopher snake

On her way to the hack site, Adrian helped this young Gopher Snake cross the road. The previous day she found what was likely a sibling dead in the road. I learned that Gopher Snakes are easily identified by the prominent black “bandit stripe” on their face.

Update on Collapsed Pen

Collapsed pen

The replacement frame for the flight pen that collapsed will arrive on Monday, April 19, about noon. If you are available we can use your help unloading the metal bows. Thank you in advance!

Its hard to remember we had snow two months ago!

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Location: 71046 Appaloosa Lane, Pendleton, Oregon 97801
Email: lynn@bluemountainwildlife.org
Phone: 541.278.0215

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