As Big as the Apple!
Barn Owlet #2 continues to grow like crazy. At 15 days old, he’s as tall as the apple and his eyes are open.
More nestling Great Horned Owls
Five more nestling Great Horned Owls were admitted this past week. One had multiple injuries, but the prognosis for a full recovery is good.
The broken wing of the nestling Great Horned Owl admitted last week has healed nicely.
Three nestling Great Horned Owls whose nest was blown from a tree were returned to their parents the following day after a substitute nest was placed in the tree.
Earth Day at McNary Dam
On Thursday we visited with first and second graders from McNary Heights Elementary School in celebration of Earth Day.
OWRA Conference
BMW hosted the Oregon Wildlife Rehabilitators Spring Conference. Rehabbers came from throughout Oregon as well as Washington and Idaho. It was a great opportunity to learn from each other, network and have fun.
GOEA 17-132
While we were at the conference, volunteer Tara responed to a request from Oregon State Police to capture and transport a Golden Eagle who had been hit by a care near Baker City. Tara had the eagle, an adult male, in Pendleton before the conference concluded. An exam revealed had and chest trauma, but no broken bones. Hopefully supportive care will be enough to help him make a full recovery.
Swainson’s Hawk 17-133
Joe and Cordi Atkinson found an injured Swainson’s Hawk at the base of a power pole on their ranch near Vale, OR. It was one of a pair who have nested on the ranch for a number of years. Tara was again called on to help transport the bird to Pendleton.
An exam revealed the hawk was in excellent physical condition, especially amazing considering she had just completed her spring migration from Argentina to eastern Oregon. We also found burns on both feet and a small wound and broken primary feather on her right wingtip, indicating she had been electrocuted.
A radiograph confirmed slight swelling in her right wingtip.
The photo below shows her brood patch, an area on her abdomen that allows eggs to be incubated.
We will provide supportive care as we wait to see the extent of the damage caused by the electricity.