September 18 - September 24
The Week In Review
Fall is definitely in the air, but we haven’t come close to a frost yet. There was just one admission this past week, a nestling Barn Owl. What are those owl parents thinking?! The owlet came from a haystack near Pilot Rock that was being moved. …
September 11 - September 17
Round-Up Week In Pendleton
By the time you see this newsletter, the 2023 Pendleton Round-Up will be in the record books. For BMW it was a fairly quiet week. Most of the excitement was on Tuesday evening when we received a call from OSP dispatch that there was an injured hawk at the I-84 airport exit just west of Pendleton.
…September 4 - September 10
Six More Releases
Releases outnumbered admissions this week. Two young Barn Swallows were released.
First one...
Then the second swallow flew free…

And they found new friends right away…

Four Lesser Goldfinches were also released…
Its hard to catch 9 gram (1/3 of an ounce) birds coming out of a box in focus!
…August 28 - September 3
A Kestrel Release
Winnie traveled to Hermiston to return a young American Kestrel to her family. She had fledged on Main Street. Mackenzie Park, about a block away, is a much safer location! She went home with some new bling, a band on her right leg.
More Options for BMW Merchandise
…August 21 - August 27
A Week of Releases
Songbird releases included two American Robins, a Say’s Phoebe, a Western Kingbird and a Casin’s Finch. Tricia traveled to Ladd Marsh Wildlife Area near La Grande and released a Red-tailed Hawk and the four young Striped Skunks whose mother was struck by a vehicle and killed.
August 14 - August 20
The Week in Review
The week started with the admission of an American White Pelican found near Dayville, OR. At 5.31 kg (11.7 pounds) it weighs more than most eagles. The pelican is a young bird, full grown and should be able to fly. We are not sure how it was injured. …