Although no birds were admitted to BMW’s Pendleton center this past week, it was an eventful time. On Tuesday, Dakota Castets-Didier of the East Oregonian visited BMW to see the new Intake complex consisting of Admission, Triage and Quarantine buildings that will allow new birds to be safely screened for avian influenza or other infectious diseases before being admitted the main clinic. His article can be seen on the front page of Saturday’s EO.

Then BMW President Carl Scheeler and I met with Ryan of Pendleton Outfitters to record a podcast. It will be posted on BMW’s website as soon as it is available, probably in a month or two.
Max Hughes of KNDU’s NonstopLocal visited BMW on Wednesday to learn what BMW is doing to safely rehabilitate birds during the current outbreak of avian influenza. If you click the KNDU link above you can see the story.
Max had never seen a turkey Vulture before. Daryl was very happy to give him a closeup view in return for some tasty tidbits.

Annual Blue Mountain Wildlife Membership Meeting
Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting. It will be held via Zoom on January 14 at 11:00 am. The link is posted on BMW’s website: We will look back on 2022 and ahead at some of the possibilities in 2023. I hope to see you there!
Barn Owls Helen and Carmen Think it’s Spring!!!
They have laid 10 eggs in the last two weeks…