The second full week in Pendleton is Round-Up Week. There were parades, two days of professional bull riding, four days of rodeo and much more. The population of Pendleton more than doubles. I have a standing order for 8 tickets. Tricia and intern Kara, along with 5 out-of-town guests, enjoyed the Saturday rodeo. Bull Riding has always been my favorite event because the bull often wins. Watching the clowns make sure the rider gets away from the bull unharmed can be pretty exciting too. The clowns definitely earn their wages.

The competition was fierce in the barrel racing. There was lots of teamwork on display between horse and rider.

While there was excitement in town, it remained fairly quiet at BMW. We admitted the last two Barn Owls from the nest in the chimney in La Grande. I was hoping they would follow their parents example and be able to climb out of the chimney, but that was not the case. They are now in a hack box with their 6 siblings. The door will be opened in a few days and the owls will begin practicing their flight and hunting skills. Mice will be placed each night on the same feeding platforms that are subsidizing the young Swainson’s Hawks during the day.
An adult Western Screech Owl was admitted on Sunday. It was likely struck by a vehicle during the night. It appears to have a head injury. It is receiving supportive care until it is in a more stable condition and we can do a thorough physical exam under anesthesia.