Bird wise it was another quiet week at BMW. The Pendleton center admitted a Lincoln Sparrow that had likely been struck by a vehicle and died two days after admission. A necropsy revealed brain damage from the vehicle strike and a keel fracture from a previous injury. A Dark-eyed Junco was also admitted. We suspect it struck a window. It had multiple ruptured air sacs and a badly damaged right shoulder. Its injuries were too extensive to repair and it was euthanized.

A Barred Owl was admitted to the Benton City center after being struck by a vehicle. It appears to have been stunned and not sustained any major injuries. We are hoping it will soon be ready for release.
Oregon State Police picked up an injured Great Horned Owl on Saturday near Vale that had likely been struck by a vehicle. Good friends of BMW, Joe and Cordi Atkinson, kept it safe overnight and then met Tricia in Ontario so she could transport the owl to Pendleton. An examination found extensive injuries on the owl’s left side, including a shattered humerus and a femur fracture. The damage could not be repaired and the owl was humanely euthanized.

New Admissions Center Update

We are making good progress on the new Admissions Center. Volunteers Adrian and Tyler traveled from Ellensburg this past weekend to install vinyl flooring and base trim in all three sheds. Below is the first shed: Intake

Shed 2: Putting finishing touches on Examination

We left a heater running over night in each shed to give the adhesive time to harden without freezing first!

Adrian and Tyler didn’t spend the entire weekend laying vinyl flooring. Adrian captured these photos of Tyler feeding education birds Swainson’s Hawk Teddy and Golden Eagle LB…

Thank you Tyler and Adrian for all your help this week!!!