We were very pleased to welcome Peggy and Brenda for a visit this past week. They are wildlife rehabilitators at Umqua Wildlife in Roseburg. I appreciate that we can communicate with colleagues, friends and family via a variety of media options, but nothing beats an in-person visit!

Otherwise, the week was very quiet.The only admission came on Sunday, when an adult adult otter was admitted. It had been hit be a vehicle at Hot Lake near La Grande. X-rays confirmed that its back was broken. Humane euthanasia was all we could offer.

We can Use Your Help October 12th – 19th
We have an exciting project in the works. We are revamping our camera system and can use some extra hands installing conduit and pulling cable. If you have a couple of hours to spare between October 12th and 19th there’ll be a job for you. Call or text 541-278-0215 and let us know when you’d like to help. Thank you in advance!!!