Spring started with a record breaking 56 baby Barn Owls. Swainson’s Hawks are fledging now and finding ways to get into trouble. The first Swainson’s admitted this past week was electrocuted when he landed on a power line and touched another line with his right wing. The damage to his wing and both feet was not repairable and the hawk was euthanized. The second young Swainson’s apparently tried to cool off in a water trough and nearly drowned. He seems fine and will be hacked out with 9 other Swainson’s.
A nestling Barn Swallow fell from its nest in a barn. The nest was too high to access and the swallow now has a new nest. Tricia is feeding it every 30 minutes from 7 am to 8:30 pm. The hungry aerial insectivore will take one squirt of formula (from a syringe), one squirt of saline and 4 mealworms each feeding. Tricia eagerly awaits the arrival of our next intern Monday afternoon!
The wildflower seeds that Tricia and intern Harini planted have grown into a beautiful wildflower garden.