It continues to be quiet at the Pendleton Center with no new admissions this past week. The weather is cold, but daytime temperatures are mostly above freezing with no precipitation. Not bad for the middle of December.
Volunteer Kenny picked up a Cooper’s Hawk at the prison in Connell, WA that had run into a fence while chasing a bird. Michele examined it and found no injuries. After a few days to recover in a hospital cage, it was moved to a flight pen where it was soon flying like an accipiter should! It was released today (Sunday) 9 days after admission. Good job everyone!

Thank you to all who have made a year-end donation to Blue Mountain Wildlife. Your generosity will allow us to start the new year off equipped to help wildlife in need. If you have not yet made a year-end gift to BMW, please consider donating through the Valley Giving Guide and have your donation qualify for matching funds. Thank you again for your generous support.
I hope you enjoy my favorite picture drawn by preschoolers who came to visit BMW…