BMW’s Washington center will not have a permitted wildlife rehabilitator on-site as of January, 2024. This will be the situation for several years, as Michele and Laurel move to Arizona to meet job-related obligations. BMW had been caring for injured Washington migratory birds at the Pendleton center since 2001, in compliance with Oregon Administrative Rules. The Washington center was created to provide a place where baby Barn Owls, found in hay stacks that were being moved, could be raised and released after their nests were destroyed.
Currently, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife is not allowing BMW to care for “Washington” birds in Pendleton due to the most recent outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. In response to the HPAI outbreak, BMW created a stand-alone Intake Center where wildlife can be quarantined and tested for HPAI before being admitted to the main clinic, ensuring the safety of both rehab birds and BMW’s resident education birds.
I’m hoping we can come to an agreement with ODFW to allow BMW to continue caring for the wildlife of both eastern Oregon and eastern Washington. I will keep you posted.
Two Releases this Week
Great Horned Owl 23-320 was released in a park near where she had been struck by a vehicle. She flew strongly and landed atop a light pole, looking around to get her bearings, before flying off. We wish her well and hope she stays away from the freeway!

Barn Owl 23-352 was released in a field near Hermiston, Oregon where she had been found. We suspect she had been struck by a vehicle. This is the barn owl that was raised at BMW’s Washington facility after her nest (in a haystack near Pomeroy, Washington) was moved. We know she started life as a Washington owl because she was banded before being placed in a nest box at the Washington center.

Sharp-shinned Hawk 23-369 flew into a window at the Pilot Rock City Hall. She appears to have separated her left coracoid from the sternum. We’ve wrapped her wing to her body to immobilize the wing and shoulder. Now we wait and see if tincture of time wild the trick.

Thank you to all who have made a year-end donation to Blue Mountain Wildlife. If you would like to help us continue caring for our region’s wildlife, please consider using the Valley Giving Guide. Your gift will be increased with matching funds. Click on the image above to go to BMW’s donation page.
Donate if you can and share that you donated on your social media!
If you aren’t able to donate, we will be posting on social media (Facebook and Instagram) too…Please like and share these posts on you social media!