Except for Great Horned Owl 24-375, who managed to get tangled up with a ramp into a chicken coop (truth is stranger than fiction!), car and window collisions caused the injuries to birds who were admitted this past week. The owl doesn’t appear to have any broken bones, but he does have a droopy right wing that has been immobilized with a bandaged. After a week of cage rest he is getting feisty! We will give him one more week of rest and then see how the wing is doing.

Two Golden-crowned Kinglets flew into a window at Blue Mountain Community College. One tiny bird recovered quickly from the collision and was released in a nearby clump of trees. The other sustained multiple fractures and was euthanized.

Northern Saw-whet Owl 24-380 was found on a mountain road above Weston. It’s right radius, ulna and scapula were all fractured. We presume the cause was collision with a vehicle. The little owl was never going to fly again. Euthanasia was the most humane option.

Barred Owl 24-372, admitted just 8 days ago with a broken rib and swollen shoulder is also getting feisty. He made an escape attempt and ended up on top of the x-ray machine when a clean towel was being placed under his perch. He will be going outside to a flight pen this coming week!