It was another fairly slow week as we inch toward spring. The Benton City Center admitted an adult Barn Owl from Yakima that appears to have been in a collision. It has no apparent fractures, but is unable to fly. Hopefully tincture of time is all that is needed for a full recovery.

A Fourth Barn Owl Egg Hatched
There are now 4 baby Barn Owls at the Benton City Center. Barn Owls are in a separate family from other owls. They look rather prehistoric without feathers!

There were two admissions at the Pendleton Center
A Northern Flicker was mauled by a dog and died of its injuries before we could examine it. A Western Screech Owl was found inside a house, stuck to a sticky trap. After multiple baths with Dawn Dish Soap and time in an incubator to dry off, the owl was acting like a typical feisty owl with a good appetite. It is now outside in a flight pen and should be ready for release soon.

It Looks Like Spring?!!