There was just one new admission this past week, a Red-tailed Hawk from Umatilla that appears to be blind. We are not sure what caused the blindness. Because red-tails are a high risk species for avian influenza, it is being treated in the quarantine building. On Monday we will be able to test for influenza. Assuming the test is negative, we will move him into the clinic for a more thorough evaluation.
Winnie was able to return a Bald Eagle to Summerville and release him. The eagle had responded quickly to treatment for ingested lead toxicity.

She was also able to release a Western Screech Owl in La Grande on the same trip. The owl had been hit by a car in November, fracturing its right scapula. The injury took a couple weeks to heal and then required physical therapy and exercise in increasingly larger flight pens to prepare for release. The owl flew quickly out of the box and landed in a clump of trees. You can see it is a very well camouflaged owl!

A final eagle photo…