There were just three admissions this past week. A Snow Goose and Red-tailed Hawk both showed signs of Avian Influenza and were euthanized. A Great Horned Owl was found tangled in fishing line, hanging in a tree in Baker City. There are signs of joint damage in the left wrist where the line was tangled. She is receiving anti-inflammatory medication. We will have to give her time to heal before knowing if she will be able to fly normally. Her inability to hold up her right ear tuft indicates there was also head trauma. Hopefully that will correct itself with time and medication.

Varied Thrush and Western Screech Owl Release
Both birds were found in Hermiston. The Thrush hit a window. Fortunately it made a complete recovery.

The Screech Owl was found in a road and was likely struck by a vehicle. He lost the vision in his left eye, but flies perfectly and seems to be compensating well to being one-eyed. He was admitted as an adult in good shape indicating he is an accomplished hunter.

The Valley Giving Guide , a year-end fundraising platform to bring donations and attention to nonprofits in our community, continues until the end of the year. You can make a year-end donation to Blue Mountain Wildlife through The Valley Giving Guide. All donations will count towards matching funds that Blue Mountain Community Foundation is raising for the event. Credit card fees from online donations will be covered by the foundation so BMW receives 100 percent of your donation.
We will be posting about the Valley Giving Guide on social media (Facebook and Instagram) too. Even if you are not able to donate please like and share these posts on your social media. You can even email family and friends the link above and ask them to help.
Let everyone know and help us raise funds to care for native wildlife in 2023!
Thank You so much!
Merry Christmas from Everyone at the Wildlife Center!!!