The clinic population of young Swainson’s Hawks increased to 8 this past week, mainly due to the continuing high temperatures. The forecast is for a dip into the 80’s on Thursday and Friday and then a gradual climb back to triple digits by next week. Below is a photo of the youngest Swainson’s. He is looking much better today. He fell about 80 feet from a nest.

The most heart-wrenching case this week was a fledgling Golden Eagle. She was likely struck by a vehicle, fracturing her right leg just above the foot. There was no way to repair the black, exposed bone and she was euthanized.

Thank you to volunteers Ken, Kirsti, Lindsey and Cody who helped this past week. Ken and Kirsti are working on a very exciting project that will include the installation of cameras in the Education Building, the flight pens and the clinic, allowing you to see what happens on a daily basis at BMW via videos posted on YouTube. Once the internet connection is upgraded you will be able to watch all these activities as they unfold. Exciting times at BMW!
Lindsey and Cody helped by doing some deconstruction on a flight pen that is being converted to a storage shed for lawn mowers and other equipment. They also helped by scraping towels, not a glamorous job, but very important. All the rehab cages have towels in them which get a liberal dose of mutes, aka bird poop, when the cage is in use. The washing machine is a lot happier when the mutes are removed before washing.
We have been keeping a watchful eye on area fires. The Coombs Canyon Fire, the closest to BMW, is at 95% containment. Kirsti took the photo below on Friday evening…

Ways You Can Help This Week
If you have a couple of hours to spare this week, and would like to help, please call the clinic, 541-278-0215. There will be cages to clean inside and towels to scrape outside, as well as another shed to repurpose. You can also forward this newsletter to anyone you think might be interested in helping out. Thank you in advance!
The moon was full this past weekend and Kirsti took this amazing photo…