A Winter Week of Trauma

There were four new admissions in the past week. An American Crow and a Northern Flicker both had humerus fractures. A California Quail struck a window and died of its injuries. We are treating a Cooper’s Hawk who collided with something in a backyard in Hermiston and fractured its left scapula.

Because crows are high risk species for avian influenza we did not bring it into the clinic for an x-ray. Its humerus fracture was not repairable and it was euthanized. The flicker was mauled by a dog after being removed from a greenhouse. Its left humerus was shattered and the right tibiotarsus was also fractured.

The Cooper’s Hawk has a fracture fairly close to the shoulder joint in its left scapula. A surgical repair is not an option. The fracture has been immobilized by wrapping the hawk’s left wing to its body. It took her about a day to figure out she could stand on a perch and eat!

The temperature is 31 degrees as I write this, the warmest it’s been in over a week! The sun is shining and the high is predicted to be 34 today and 39 tomorrow! The snow will soon be gone!