BMW was a quiet place the month of October with just 4 admissions. Sunday, yesterday as of this writing, there were three admissions plus a visit from a dear friend that I had not seen for more than 20 years. After examining a Barred Owl and Golden Eagle, Dea and I had a wonderful visit. Then it was time to feed the Education Birds and Barn Owls (the last clutch of owls are still returning to the hack box for food).
Tricia and I had just finished dinner when the doorbell rang and we admitted a Red-tailed hawk. It appears to have a head injury. We administered fluids and pain meds and will do a more thorough exam today.

The Barred Owl has a broken rib and damage in the right shoulder. The wing has been immobilized with a body wrap to allow the injuries to heal. We rarely admit Barred Owls. This bird was found near Arrowhead Travel Plaza east of Pendleton and is presumed to have been struck by a vehicle.
The Golden Eagle had an old compound fracture of the right humerus close to the elbow. There was nothing we could do but provide a humane euthanasia.

Hopefully the rest of the week will be relatively uneventful.